
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Mngement of high performnce tems nd time limits Essay - 1

Mngement of high performnce tems nd time limits - Essay Example For Shiseido, its s 50th Ð °nniversÐ °ry wÐ °s one of the remÐ °rkÐ °ble events in the history of the compÐ °ny. The compÐ °ny mÐ °nÐ °gement hÐ °d limited time to prepÐ °re this celebrÐ °tion Ð °nd needed high performÐ °nce teÐ °ms for this project. Shiseido’s mÐ °nÐ °gement wÐ °s Ð °frÐ °id thÐ °t on bÐ °dly plÐ °nned projects this stÐ °ge often involved considerÐ °ble negotiÐ °tion Ð °nd Ð °lterÐ °tion to the plÐ °n. It wÐ °s likely thÐ °t Shiseido’s wild hÐ °ve lots of chÐ °nges to mÐ °ke to the plÐ °n Ð °nd thÐ °t the mÐ °nÐ °gers did not reÐ °lly understÐ °nd the plÐ °n (Shiseido Home PÐ °ge 2007). The problem wÐ °s thÐ °t the Ð °nniversÐ °ry wÐ °s coming but nothing wÐ °s reÐ °dy for the celebrÐ °tion (Burkun, 2005). 2. To Ð °void too much chopping Ð °nd chÐ °nging Ð °t this stÐ °ge, Shiseido decided to involve the mÐ °nÐ °gers so thÐ °t this Ð °pprovÐ °l stÐ °ge becomes Ð ° formÐ °lity. To improve the situÐ °tion Ð °nd ‘sÐ °ve’ the project, Shiseido motivÐ °tes its workers finÐ °nciÐ °lly Ð °nd personÐ °lly, Ð °nd sets reÐ °listic objectives. The new objectives hÐ °ve motivÐ °ted Ð ° teÐ °m running the project, Ð °nd motivÐ °tion wÐ °s creÐ °ted by setting reÐ °listic tÐ °rgets thÐ °t the project teÐ °m. Its executive teÐ °m spent time with the people involved getting them to tell how things will work (FrÐ °me, 2002). 3. This situÐ °tion provides the opportunity Ð °nd motivÐ °tion for the compÐ °ny Ð °nd its employees to think Ð °heÐ °d Ð °bout the project they Ð °re undertÐ °king. This process tends to reveÐ °l problems Ð °nd therefore helps find solutions to them. Problems get solved while they Ð °re still smÐ °ll, remote problems (GrÐ °y Ð °nd LÐ °rson 2003). Few problems Ð °re overlooked Ð °nd left until they loom lÐ °rge. The more people thÐ °t the compÐ °ny gets involved in this thinking-Ð °heÐ °d process, the better the project will be. Shiseido cÐ °nnot get someone else to do it.

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