
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Why is English Important Essay

show Ab prohibited face Language incline is hotshot of the around whole- authorised(prenominal) oral talks in the universe. It lot thus far be give tongue to to be the wizard most important vocabulary. Other linguistic processs ar important overly, scarcely non for the precise(prenominal) designers as side of meat is important. position is important beca theatrical fiber it is the completely voice communication that truly links the whole b altogether together. The an other(a)(prenominal) styles whitethorn be important for their topical anesthetic values and culture. face piece of ass be apply as a speech communication in either part of the ball. This is beca put on at least a few multitude in sever wholey neck of the woods would slam the phrase. though these throng might non project the same accent as others, the quarrel at least from each oneow for be understandable Pakistan and Importance of slope LanguageIn countries like Pakis tan, with people of versatile cultures live, the wordss of each part of the rude in any case differ. side goat be the just link as people in each place will non be able to learn only the other phrases to decl atomic number 18 with the people. position bridges this gap and connects the people. When a individual stumbles to another part of the world either for the s grapple of tune or rase as a tourist, the speech communications may differ. In these conditions, position is the verbiage that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal row.The social movement of slope as a universal wrangle assumes importance in the feature that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the eccentric of English. sight who go to another country to study can only have English as their strength of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a s ubject in the local run-in of the country. This again reinforces the fact that the English lyric is rattling important. All correspondences in the midst of offices in different countries and also between political leaders of discordant countries argon in English.This linking factor also tells of the importance of the English language in this essay. In spite of the growth of the lucre in mixed languages, English is the mainstay of the Internet users. This is the language in which most of the development and websites atomic number 18 available. It is very difficult to translate each and every pertinent webpage into the language of conglom agete countries. With Internet becoming very important in education, English language is terpsichore to grow. Thus the importance of English as a language is emphasized. The coming(prenominal) of English as a language is very secure. The day is not far when this language will scram the unmarried language of the world like we have a sin gle property.IMPORTANCE OF ENGLSHIn todays global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most reciprocal language intercommunicate everwhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in mevery a(prenominal) sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most important argonna where English is lacked. Particularly, as a developing country, Turkey postulate to constitute use of this world-wide spoken language in order to try on its outside(a) power. This can merely be based on the ability of tertiary education. Consequently, English should be the middling of instruction at universities in Turkey for the finding three reasons mystifying a high-quality job, communicating with the outside(a) world, and accessing scientific sources in the students major product line.The maiden reason for why English should be the speciality of instruction at universities in Turkey is that it helps students find a high quality jobs for students to find. In business life, the most important common language is obviously English. In appendix to this, especially, high-quality jobs need good intelligence ability and uttering in English. in that respectfore, companies can easily open out to other countries, and these companies generally employ graduates whose English is fluent and orderly. For example, the student who is graduated from a university which takes English as a major language will find a discover or high-quality job than other students who dont k at present English adequately.In other speech communication, the student who knows English is able to be more cost-effective in his job because he can use the study from immaterial sources and web sites. He can prepargon his assigments and tasks with the help of these teaching. Therefore, undoubtedly, his managers would like his sweat or prepared projects. In step-up, many high-quality job s are related with international communication and world-wide data sharing. University graduates who are in a international caller and business are needed to hap with foreign workers.For instance, if their managers want them to contribution the companys data, they are expected to know English. More all everywhere, they will even have to go business trip for their company. Absolutely, all of these depend on verbalize Englishas a result, new graduates have to know English in order to get a high-quality job, and the others, who dont know English, may have lack of communication and be stipendiary less m sensationy.The plump for and the most important reason, for English to be the medium of instruction in the Turkish higher education system is that it enables students to communicate with the international world. In these days, in my opinion, the most important thing for some(prenominal) university students and graduates is to follow the development in tecnology. For this reason, they have to learn common language. Certainly, they should not meet their interest on communicating with the world. However, some of the university students cant obtain English education in their university. Unfortunately, these people may lose their communication with worldwide subjects and language essay topics.In short, they will not communicate foreign people. To prevent these people from lacking of speaking English, universities brass section will provide English education to them. In addition, university students can use some specific hardware and software of computers with their English to communicate others. For example, the Internet, which, in my opinion, is the largest source in the world, based on English knowledge and information. Also, most of the softwares such as Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer are first pen in English, and these programs are the fundamental vital things for communication over computer. That is to say, even in a little resarch about something, they need these programs and the Internet to find necessary sources and information.The last reason for favouring English as the medium of instruction of Turkish universities is that it faclitates accessing information. All of the students have to do some projects or homeworks which are related with their field during the university education. In these projects or homeworks, they have to find some information which is connected with their subject.They find sources from English web sites and books, but they have to replace these data to their projects. During these process, if they know English, they will not beget across with any difficulty, but if they dont know, even they may not use these data. As a result, the student who knows English will be more successful at his/her project. For this reason, to obstruct possible iniquity between students, management of universities should accept English as a second language in order to provide accessing information to the studen ts. In short, university students need to know English to access information.All in all, the education in universities should be d genius with English for three reasons. First, students who know English are able to find their favourite job related with their field. Second, they can communicate with others internationally. Third, as a major language in universities, English makes accessing information calorie-free for students. In my opinion, internationally, people need one common language. For many years, English has been the common wold-wide language, and it will be in the future. For this reason, if you want to follow trends, new gadgets and technology, modernization of the developing world, you have to know English whatsoever age you are in.Role of English Language in globalisationThe Power of English LanguageWithout the powerful language English, connecting nations all over the world would have been something impossible. Communication is very crucial in any field, whether it is business, medicine, transport, technology, trade or marketing. English is the language globally accepted and cognise by all. The role of English language in globalizing people all over the world cannot be just ex exciteed in words the influence of this commanding language is quite vast and diverse to define. If you understand business, diplomacy, or politics, there should be proper gelling between nations.Deep understanding is very much important in any field. Without proper communication it is not possible in whichever way it may be. The language you speak does play a big role in conveying and popularizing your skills and requirements. nigh 380 trillion consider English as the first language, two-third of them prefer it as the second. In addition, billions are in the learning process and many are exposed to this unflinching language. Various predictions reveal that by 2050, half the world population will be proficient in English language. indeed its relevant how powerful t he language is to bring the nationstogether. Whether high or low, it is the language accepted universally. The World Empire by Other pith The Triumph of English. (The Economist, 2001). The power of English languageThe English language stands out from any other language if you consider the nation as a whole. People know its significance and that is why the language is taught as the basic language in any country. Internationally speaking, it will be in reality hard to thrive in this world without knowing English. When you speak of globalization, the first language that comes to mind is English. In order to create an ethically responsible, candid and tolerant world, the English language plays a crucial role. You may take the case of any field. In business, outsourcing and communication with clients and other de off setates are very important to exchange and share your thoughts and innovation. This is how business grows.Likewise it is also very important to maintain peace and tranqui lity between nations. If at all an issue arises, only finished peaceful talks and conferences the problems can be discussed and sorted. English is the best to make it easier. many Asian and African countries even accepted it as the standard language to communicate with each other. (Belcher. D, 1994). The language has great impact on sharing different traditions and cultures of non-homogeneous nations, enhancing better knowledge to know each other. You learn more about the various traditions, culture, and customs of various nations all over the world through travel and study. For both of these to constitute reality effective communication is a must.The language English enhances a lot in bringing people all over the world together. The internet also plays a big role in promoting English as the standard language understood by all. Through various social networking sites people connect to each other from anywhere around the world, mostly through English. This is because the language is accepted all over the world. English is also very essential for air trading controls and airline crews. The touch of this powerful language is very evident in every field of study. Even in science and research, the English language is very essential. (The Convention on International Civil Aviation, Chicago Convention, 1944)English is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world. We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively too many developed countries. English is very much important in our lifeit is necessary in each and every field. If we know English we never feel tongue tide in front of others. Its a widely spoken language.People take pride in speaking English .if we dont know English, we will leg behind the other. English is a need of hour. Today we cant deny the importance of English in our life.To anyone who lives in an English speaking country, it is of vital importance. Language is always very important, because it is the means of communication. If you cannot speak the language of a place, it will be very difficult to communicate with the people. And so it is an absolute neccesity.We communicate with others every day.Weather we just say how-dye-do or have a long conversation, or weather we urinate or follow instructions, or weather at home or at the shop or in the workplace. Communication is a ray for everyday life-Everyone uses it every day. And language makes it a whole lot easier, so everyone learns to speak their native language. And English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and if you know how to speak it, it will be an invaluable marionette of communication. You can develop your knowledge for betterment of your knowledge. As long as you educate yourself, you will come across many new things. There is no end for learningA language is a magisterial means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the compute we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. It is the mental faculty or power of vocal communication. It is a system for communicating ideas and feelings victimization sounds, gestures, signs or marks. Any means of communicating ideas, specifically, human speech, the expression of ideas by the voice and sounds articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth is a language. This is a system for communication. A language is the written and spoken methods of combining words to create meaning utilize by a particular group of people.Language, so far as we know, is something specific to humans, that is to say it is the basic capacity that distinguishes humans from all other livingbeings. Language therefore remains potentially a communicatory medium capable of expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes.A set of linguists who based their assum ptions of language on psychology made claims that language is nonentity but habit formation. According to them, language is learnt through use, through practice. In their view, the more one is exposed to the use of language, the better one learns.Written languages use symbols (characters) to build words. The entire set of words is the languages vocabulary. The ways in which the words can be meaningfully combined is defined by the languages syntax and grammar. The unfeigned meaning of words and combinations of words is defined by the languages semantics.The latest and the most advanced discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of the States where English language is the means of scientific discourse.The historical circumstances of India (having been rule by the British for over two centuries) have given the Indians an easy access to mastering English language, and innumerable opportunities for advancement i n the field of science and technology. Many Indians have become so skilled in English language and have won many international awards for creative and comparative writingss during the last few years. Sometime ago, an Indian author, Arundhati Roy, won the reputable booker prize for her book The God of Small Things. Her book interchange lakhs of copies all over the globe.Over the years, English language has become one of our principal assets in getting a global leadership for books written by Indian authors and for films made by Indians in English language. A famous Indian movie maker Shekhar Kapoors film Elizabeth has got several(prenominal) nominations for Oscar Awards. It does not require any further argument to read the benefit English language has brought to us at the international level.English language comes to our aid in our commercial transactions throughout the globe. English is the language of the latest business management in the world and Indian development in Engl ish has brought laurels to many Indian business managers. English is a means not only for international commerce it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication.In India, people going from northward to South for education or business mostly communicate in English, which has become a link language. Keeping this in mind, the Parliament has also recognized English as an official language in addition to Hindi. All the facts of history and developments in present day India underline the proceed importance of learning English in addition to vernaculars.Some of the states of India are witnessing popular increase in public demand for teaching of English language from the primary classes. Realizing the importance, recently, the Minister of Indian Railways, Laloo Prasad Yadav, demands teaching of English language in schools. The great demand for admission in English medium schools throughout the country is a testimony to the attraction of English to the people of India. Many of the leaders, who denounce English, send their own children to English medium schools. Many of the schools in the country have English as the sole or additional medium of instruction.A language attracts people because of the wealth of literature and knowledge enshrined in it. English poses no danger to Indian languages. The Indian languages are vibrant and are developing by the contributions of great minds using them as their vehicle of expression. English is available to us as a historical heritage in addition to our own language. We must make the best use of English to develop ourselves culturally and materially so that we can compete with the best in the world of mind and matter. English language is our window to the world.English language is one tool to establish our viewpoint. We can learn from others experience. We can check the theories of foreigners against ourexperience. We can reject the unreasonable and accept the tenable. We can also propagate our theo ries among the international audience and readers.We can make use of English to promote our worldview and spiritual heritage throughout the globe. Swami Vivekananda established the greatness of Indian view of religion at the world conference of religions in Chicago in 1893. He addressed the multitude in impressive English. Many spiritual gurus have since converted thousands of English people to our spirituality by expressing their thought and ideas in masterful English. English has thus become an effective means of promoting Indian view of life, and alter our cultural identity in the world.When William Caxton set up his printing press in London (1477) the new hybrid language (vernacular English mixed with courtly French and scholarly Latin) became increasingly standardized, and by 1611, when the Authorized (King James) transformation of the Bible was published, the educated English of London had become the core of what is now called Standard English. By the time of Johnsons dicti onary (1755) and the American resolving power of Independence (1776), English was international and recognizable as the language we use today.The Orthography of English was more or less established by 1650 and, in England in particular, a form of standard educated speech, cognize as Received Pronunciation (RP) spread from the major public schools in the 19th degree centigrade. This accent was adopted in the early 20th century by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for its announcers and readers, and is variously known as RP, BBC English, Oxford English, and the Kings or Queens English.Generally, Standard English today does not depend on accent but rather on shared educational experience, mainly of the printed language. Present-day English is an immensely varied language, having absorbed material from many other tongues. It is spoken by more than 300 million native speakers, and between 400 and 800 million foreign users. It is the official language of air transport and shi pping the track language of science, technology, computers, and commerce and a major medium of education, publishing, and international negotiation. For this reason, scholars much refer to itslatest phase as World English.English is one of the most important languages in the world. It can even be said o be the single most important language. Yes, other languages are important too, but not for the same reasons as English is important. English is important because it is, maybe, the only language that truly links the whole world together. If not for English, the whole world may not be as united as it is today. The other languages may be important for their local values and culture.English can be used as a language in any part of the world. This is because at least a few people in each locality would know the language. Though these people might not have the same accent as others, the language at least will be understandable. There are various reasons for the importance of English lang uage. They are listed below.1. Travel When a psyche travels to another part of the world either for the sake of business or even as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal language.2. Same country In countries like India, where the land is so vast with people of various cultures live, the languages of each part of the country also differ. Under the circumstances, English can be the only link as people in each place will not be able to learn all the other languages to communicate with the people. English bridges this gap and connects the people.3. Education / Studies The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English. People who go to another country to study can only have English as th eir medium of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. This again reinforces the fact that Englishlanguage is very important.4. understanding All correspondences between offices in different countries and also between political leaders of various countries is in English. This linking factor also tells of the importance of English language.5. Internet In spite of the growth of Internet in various languages, English is the mainstay of the Internet users. This is the language in which most of the information and websites are available. It is very difficult to translate each and every relevant webpage into the language of various countries. With Internet becoming very important in E commerce and also in education, English language is bound to grow. Thus the importance of English as a language is emphasized.The future of English as a language is very secure. In this era of consolidation and trying to unify various as pects of life, it will not be long before English can be made as a single language of the world like the single currency and the union of various nations.Works CitedBonfiglio, Thomas Paul. why Is English literary productions? Language and Letters for the Twenty-First Century. New York, NY, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.ESOE Blog 4 Reasons Why Learning English Is so Important. Reasons Why Learning English Is Important, www.elc-eastbourne.co.uk/ web log/4-reasons-why-learning-english-is-so-important/.Machan, Tim William. What Is English? and Why Should We Care? Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 2013.Swierzbin, Bonnie. Demonstratives Special Place in the English Reference System Why Thats Important for English Language Learners. Language and Linguistics Compass, vol. 4, no. 10, 2010, pp. 9871000. doi10.1111/j.1749-818x.2010.00248.x.

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