
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Twilight 3. PHENOMENON

3. PHENOMENONWhen I opened my eyeball in the morning, something was different.It was the joyous. It was gloss over the gray-green light of a cloudy day in the forest, unless it was clearer somehow. I complete in that respect was no fog veiling my window.I jumped up to watch step to the fore placement, and then groaned in horror.A fine layer of degree centigrade coer the yard, dusted the top of my truck, and w chance onened the road. exclusively that wasnt the worst part. All the rain from yesterday had snappy firm coating the needles on the trees in fantastic, gorgeous patterns, and reservation the drive carriage a deadly ice slick. I had enough disquiet not f totallying ware when the ground was dry it might be safer for me to go thorn to bed now.Charlie had left for turn before I got landstairs. In a lot of federal agencys, living with Charlie was get to having my hold place, and I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely.I threw down a qu ick bowl of cereal and some orange succus from the carton. I matte up excited to go to naturalize, and that scared me. I knew it wasnt the bear upon learning environment I was anticipating, or memorizeing my new pile of fri discontinues. If I was being honest with myself, I knew I was eager to direct to nurture because I would see Edward Cullen. And that was very, very stupid.I should be avoiding him alto accepther after my brainless and embarrassing babbling yesterday. And I was suspicious of him why should he lie about his eyes? I was still stimulate of the hostility I sometimes felt emanating from him, and I was still deprive whenever I pictured his perfect search. I was wellhead aware that my partnership and his league were spheres that did not touch. So I shouldnt be at all anxious to see him today.It took every ounce of my concentration to m another(prenominal) it down the icy brick driveway alive. I almost lost my balance when I finally got to the truck, but I m anaged to cling to the side mirror and bear on myself. Clearly, today was way out to be nightmarish.Driving to school, I distracted myself from my hero-worship of falling and my unwanted speculations about Edward Cullen by recalling about mike and Eric, and the obvious difference in how teenage boys responded to me here. I was sure I looked exactly the same as I had in Phoenix. Maybe it was only if that the boys choke off home had watched me pass irksomely through all the mucilaginous phases of adolescence and still thought of me that way. Perhaps it was because I was a novelty here, where novelties were hardly a(prenominal) and far between. Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing or else than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress. Whatever the reason, Mikes whelp dog demeanor and Erics apparent rivalry with him were disconcerting. I wasnt sure if I didnt prefer being ignored.My truck seemed to perplex no problem with the nasty ice that coered th e roads. I drove very slowly, though, not missing to carve a path of destruction through Main Street.When I got out of my truck at school, I see why Id had so tiny trouble. Something silver caught my eye, and I walked to the back of the truck carefully guardianship the side for support to examine my tires. in that respect were thin chains get crossways in diamond shapes roughly them. Charlie had gotten up who knows how early to ordain snow chains on my truck. My throat suddenly felt tight. I wasnt employ to being meshn care of, and Charlies unspoken concern caught me by surprise.I was rest by the back corner of the truck, struggling to fight back the sudden wave of emotion the snow chains had brought on, when I hear an odd level- wellspringed.It was a high-pitched screech, and it was fast becoming painfully loud. I looked up, start conduct.I saw several things simultaneously. Nothing was moving in slow motion, the way it does in the movies. Instead, the adrena depict rush seemed to make my brain work much faster, and I was able to absorb in clear power point several things at once.Edward Cullen was stand up four cars down from me, staring at me in horror. His face stood out from a sea of faces, all frozen in the same mask of shock. But of more than immediate importance was the dark blue a vanguardt-garde that was skidding, tires locked and squealing against the brakes, spinning wildly across the ice of the parking lot. It was going to run into the back corner of my truck, and I was stand between them. I didnt even confine time to fill up my eyes.Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding more or less the truck bed, something match me, hard, but not from the billing I was expecting. My head cracked against the icy blacktop, and I felt something solid and cold pinning me to the ground. I was lying on the pavement layabout the tan car Id parked next to. But I didnt have a chance to notice eachthing else, because the van was still coming. It had curled harshly around the end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to conflict with me again.A low oath made me aware that person was with me, and the translator was impossible not to recognize. Two long, white detainment shot out protectively in front of me, and the van shuddered to a hold on a foot from my face, the large hands fitting provi whoresonially into a thick dent in the side of the vans body. and then his hands locomote so fast they blurred. One was suddenly gripping under the body of the van, and something was soldiery me, swinging my legs around like a rag dolls, till they hit the tire of the tan car. A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears, and the van succeed downtled, glass popping, onto the asphalt exactly where, a second ago, my legs had been.It was absolutely soundless for one long second before the screaming began. In the blunt bedlam, I could hear more than one person shouting my name. But more clearl y than all the yelling, I could hear Edward Cullens low, frantic illustration in my ear.Bella? Are you all unspoiled?Im fine. My voice sounded strange. I tried and true to position up, and realized he was holding me against the side of his body in an iron grasp.Be careful, he warned as I struggled. I see you hit your head pretty hard.I became aware of a ache ache centered above my left ear.Ow, I said, surprised.Thats what I thought. His voice, amazingly, sounded like he was suppressing laughter.How in the I trailed off, severe to clear my head, get my bearings. How did you get over here so fast?I was standing set next to you, Bella, he said, his nip serious again.I dour to sit up, and this time he let me, releasing his hold around my shank and sliding as far from me as he could in the particular space. I looked at his concerned, innocent expression and was disoriented again by the force of his gold-colored eyes. What was I asking him?And then they found us, a host of p eople with weeping streaming down their faces, shouting at severally other, shouting at us.Dont move, someone instructed.Get Tyler out of the van someone else shouted.There was a flurry of activity around us. I tried to get up, but Edwards cold hand pushed my shoulder down.Just anticipate put for now.But its cold, I complained. It surprised me when he chuckled under his breath. There was an edge to the sound.You were over there, I suddenly remembered, and his chuckle stopped utterly. You were by your car.His expression turned hard. No, I wasnt.I saw you. All around us was chaos. I could hear the gruffer voices of adults arriving on the scene. But I mulishly held on to our argument I was right, and he was going to admit it.Bella, I was standing with you, and I pulled you out of the way. He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial.No. I set my arouse.The gold in his eyes blazed. Please, Bella.Why? I demanded.Trust me, he pleaded, his soft voice overwhelming.I could hear the sirens now. Will you promise to beg off everything to me later?Fine, he snapped, abruptly exasperated.Fine, I repeated angrily.It took six EMTs and 2 teachers Mr. Varner and Coach Clapp to shift the van far enough away from us to bring the stretchers in. Edward vehemently refused his, and I tried to do the same, but the double-crosser told them Id hit my head and probably had a concussion. I almost died of dismay when they put on the neck brace. It looked like the entire school was there, reflexion soberly as they loaded me in the back of the ambulance. Edward got to ride in the front. It was maddening.To make matters worse, Chief Swan arrived before they could get me safely away.Bella he yelled in panic when he recognized me on the stretcher.Im totally fine, Char Dad, I sighed. Theres nothing wrong with me.He turned to the close-set(prenominal) EMT for a second opinion. I tuned him out to consider the jumble of un fathomed images churning chaotically in my head. When theyd lifted me away from the car, I had seen the dark dent in the tan cars bumper a very distinct dent that fit the contours of Edwards shoulders as if he had braced himself against the car with enough force to damage the metal frameAnd then there was his family, looking on from the distance, with expressions that ranged from disapproval to fury but held no hint of concern for their brothers safety.I tried to think of a logical solution that could explain what I had just seen a solution that excluded the assumption that I was in of sound mind(predicate).Naturally, the ambulance got a natural law escort to the county hospital. I felt ridiculous the whole time they were drop me. What made it worse was that Edward simply glided through the hospital doors under his own power. I ground my teeth together.They put me in the emergency room, a long room with a line of bedsseparated by pastel-patterned drapes. A nurse put a pressure cuff on my girdle and a thermometer under my tongue. Since no one bothered pulling the curtain around to give me some privacy, I decided I wasnt get to wear the stupid-looking neck brace anymore. When the nurse walked away, I quickly untied the Velcro and threw it under the bed.There was other flurry of hospital personnel, another stretcher brought to the bed next to me. I recognized Tyler Crowley from my Government form beneath the bloodstained bandages wrapped tightly around his head. Tyler looked a coulomb times worse than I felt. But he was staring apprehensively at me.Bella, Im so sorryIm fine, Tyler you look awful, are you all right? As we spoke, nurses began unwinding his soiled bandages, exposing a myriad of shallow slices all over his forehead and left cheek.He ignored me. I thought I was going to kill you I was going too fast, and I hit the ice wrong He winced as one nurse started dabbing at his face.Dont worry about it you missed me.How did you get out of the way so fast? You were there, and then you were goneUmm Edward pulled me out of the way.He looked confused. Who?Edward Cullen he was standing next to me. Id always been a terrible liar I didnt sound convincing at all.Cullen? I didnt see him wow, it was all so fast, I guess. Is he okay?I think so. Hes here somewhere, but they didnt make him use a stretcher.I knew I wasnt half-baked. What had happened? There was no way to explain away what Id seen.They wheeled me away then, to X-ray my head. I told them there was nothing wrong, and I was right. Not even a concussion. I asked if I could leave, but the nurse said I had to talk to a come to first. So I was trapped in the ER, waiting, harassed by Tylers ageless apologies and promises to make it up to me. No matter how many times I tried to convince him I was fine, he continued to torment himself. Finally, I closed my eyes and ignored him. He kept up a remorseful mumbling.Is she sleeping? a musical voice asked. My eyes flew open.Edward was standing at the foot of my bed, smirking. I glared at him. It wasnt easy it would have been more natural to ogle.Hey, Edward, Im really sorry - Tyler began.Edward lifted a hand to stop him.No blood, no foul, he said, flashing his brilliant teeth. He moved to sit on the edge of Tylers bed, facing me. He smirked again.So, whats the verdict? he asked me. Theres nothing wrong with me at all, but they wont let me go, I complained. How come you arent strapped to a gurney like the rest of us?Its all about who you know, he answered. But dont worry, I came to spring you.Then a doctor walked around the corner, and my mouth fell open. He wasyoung, he was blond and he was handsomer than any movie star Id ever seen. He was pale, though, and tired-looking, with circles under his eyes. From Charlies description, this had to be Edwards father.So, overleap Swan, Dr. Cullen said in a remarkably appealing voice, how are you touch sensation?Im fine, I said, for the last time, I hoped.He walked to th e lightboard on the wall over my head, and turned it on.Your X-rays look healthy, he said. Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard.Its fine, I repeated with a sigh, throwing a quick lour toward Edward.The doctors cool fingers probed lightly along my skull. He noticed when I winced. scratchy? he asked.Not really. Id had worse.I heard a chuckle, and looked over to see Edwards patronizing smile. My eyes narrowed.Well, your father is in the waiting room you fag end go home with him now. But come back if you feel cockamamy or have trouble with your eyesight at all.Cant I go back to school? I asked, imagining Charlie trying to be attentive.Maybe you should take it easy today.I glanced at Edward. Does he get to go to school?Someone has to spread the good news that we survived, Edward said smugly.Actually, Dr. Cullen corrected, most of the school seems to be in the waiting room.Oh no, I moaned, covering my face with my hands.Dr. Cullen elevated his eyebrows. Do you wan t to stay?No, no I insisted, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and hopping down quickly. Too quickly I staggered, and Dr. Cullen caught me. He looked concerned.Im fine, I assured him again. No need to tell him my balance problems had nothing to do with hitting my head.Take some acetaminophen for the pain, he suggested as he steadied me.It doesnt hurt that bad, I insisted.It sounds like you were extremely lucky, Dr. Cullen said, smiling as he signed my chart with a flourish.Lucky Edward happened to be standing next to me, I amended with a hard glance at the subject of my statement.Oh, well, yes, Dr. Cullen agreed, suddenly occupied with the papers in front of him. Then he looked away, at Tyler, and walked to the next bed. My intuition flickered the doctor was in on it.Im afraid that youll have to stay with us just a little bit longer, he said to Tyler, and began checking his cuts.As soon as the doctors back was turned, I moved to Edwards side.Can I talk to you for a mo? I hi ssed under my breath. He took a step back from me, his jaw suddenly clenched.Your father is waiting for you, he said through his teeth.I glanced at Dr. Cullen and Tyler.Id like to speak with you alone, if you dont mind, I pressed.He glared, and then turned his back and strode down the long room. I nearly had to run to maintain up. As soon as we turned the corner into a short hallway, he spun around to face me.What do you want? he asked, looking annoyed. His eyes were cold.His unfriendliness intimidated me. My words came out with less severity than Id intended. You owe me an explanation, I reminded him.I saved your life I dont owe you anything.I flinched back from the resentment in his voice. You promised.Bella, you hit your head, you dont know what youre talking about. His tone was cutting.My temper flared now, and I glared defiantly at him. Theres nothing wrong with my head.He glared back. What do you want from me, Bella?I want to know the truth, I said. I want to know why Im ly ing for you.What do you think happened? he snapped.It came out in a rush.All I know is that you werent anywhere near me Tyler didnt see you, either, so dont tell me I hit my head too hard. That van was going to crush us both and it didnt, and your hands left dents in the side of it and you left a dent in the other car, and youre not hurt at all and the van should have smashed my legs, but you were holding it up I could hear how crazy it sounded, and I couldnt continue. I was so mad I could feel the tears coming I tried to force them back by cranch my teeth together.He was staring at me incredulously. But his face was tense, defensive.You think I lifted a van off you? His tone questioned my sanity, but it only made me more suspicious. It was like a perfectly delivered line by a skilled actor.I merely nodded once, jaw tight. nonentity will believe that, you know. His voice held an edge of derision now.Im not going to tell anybody. I said each word slowly, carefully irresponsibl e my anger.Surprise flitted across his face. Then why does it matter?It matters to me, I insisted. I dont like to lie so thered better be a good reason why Im doing it.Cant you just thank me and get over it?thank you. I waited, fuming and expectant.Youre not going to let it go, are you?No.In that case I hope you enjoy disappointment.We scowled at each other in silence. I was the first to speak, trying to keep myself focused. I was in danger of being distracted by his livid, glorious face. It was like trying to stare down a destroying angel.Why did you even bother? I asked frigidly.He paused, and for a brief snatch his stunning face was by chance vulnerable.I dont know, he whispered.And then he turned his back on me and walked away.I was so angry, it took me a few minutes until I could move. When I could walk, I made my way slowly to the exit at the end of the hallway.The waiting room was more unpleasant than Id feared. It seemed like every face I knew in Forks was there, staring at me. Charlie rushed to my side I put up my hands.Theres nothing wrong with me, I assured him sullenly. I was still aggravated, not in the mood for chitchat.What did the doctor say?Dr. Cullen saw me, and he said I was fine and I could go home. I sighed. Mike and Jessica and Eric were all there, beginning to converge on us. Lets go, I urged.Charlie put one arm behind my back, not quite touching me, and led me to the glass doors of the exit. I waved sheepishly at my friends, hoping to convey that they didnt need to worry anymore. It was a huge relief- the first time Id ever felt that way to get into the cruiser.We drove in silence. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I barely knew Charlie was there. I was positive that Edwards defensive behavior in the hall was a confirmation of the bizarre things I still could hardly believe Id witnessed.When we got to the house, Charlie finally spoke.Um youll need to call Ren?e. He hung his head, guilty.I was appalled. You told MomSorry.I slam med the cruisers door a little harder than necessary on my way out.My mom was in hysterics, of course. I had to tell her I felt fine at least thirty times before she would mollify down. She begged me to come home forgetting the fact that home was empty at the moment but her pleas were easier to resist than I would have thought. I was consumed by the closed book Edward presented. And more than a little obsessed by Edward himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I wasnt as eager to escape Forks as I should be, as any normal, sane person would be.I decided I might as well go to bed early that night. Charlie continued to watch me anxiously, and it was getting on my nerves. I stopped on my way to grab three Tylenol from the bathroom. They did help, and, as the pain eased, I drifted to sleep.That was the first night I conceive of of Edward Cullen.

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