
Sunday, March 10, 2019

One Country, Two Systems

One country, two organizations One country, two systems is an idea before proposed by Deng Xiaoping, then Paramount Leader of the Peoples Re human creations of China (PRC), for the reunion of China during the early eighties. He suggested that in that location would be only virtuoso China, but areas much(prenominal) as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan could be start their cause capitalistic sparing and political systems, epoch the rest of China uses the socialist system. However, Deng spurned the proposed use of such a system for territories that are already below de facto PRC prevail, such as Tibet.In the following research paper, the topic allow for be discussed in two different perspectives, both Hong Kong and Macau. Hong Kong Hong Kongs stability and continue development as an internationalistic urban center since reunification in July 1997 have depended upon the supremacyful implementation of the principle of One Country, Two Systems. This framework ensures that Hong Kong retains its straightforward identity and strengths as an international business, pecuniary, shipping and aviation centre.The four pillars of Hong Kongs success remain as relevant and grievous today as they did five, 10 or 15 years ago. These are the common law system upheld by an independent judiciary the free and unfettered flow of schooling a level playing field for business and, a clean, reckon cultured service. The Basic Law, Hong Kongs constitutional document, has provided the constitutional basis upon which the Hong Kong particular(a) administrative Region has act to protect its capitalist system, as well as the way of life, the rights and libertys of its residents.These include equality before the law, private protestership of property, independence of assembly, freedom of movement, freedom of apparitional belief, freedom of academic research and freedom to join trade unions. The courts continue to administer justice independently, while Hong Kongs own police , immigration, usance and excise and anti-corruption officers have remained responsible for take noteing law and order in the SAR. Hong Kong continues to allege its previous economic system. It has maintained its renowned, business-friendly, low-tax system and its own currency, which has been connect to the US Dollar at a rate of US$1 to HK$7. 0 since October 1983. Main charge leaders have scrupulously adhered to a hands off approach, allowing Hong Kong plenty to administer their own affairs (except defense and foreign affairs) with the promised high grad of autonomy. As always, Hong Kong people have been quick to speak up if they have perceived that their rights and freedoms, or the systems underpinning Hong Kong society, are in any way beingness compromised or undermined. Hong Kong people have taken very seriously their place in shaping the SAR and the society in which they live.This has resulted in greater demands from the man and the legislature for an open, accountable and much than than efficient g everywherenment. Hong Kong has continued to play an cardinal role in international affairs. It system an active member, in its own right using the name Hong Kong, China, of the World pile Organization, the World usage Organization, the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum and the Asian Development Bank and as an get in touch member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) of the United Nations.Hong Kongs disposal of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Money make clean in 2001-02 allowed the SAR to take a leading role in the international fight against terrorist financing in the wake of the September 11 terrorists attacks in the United estates. At an Extraordinary Plenary Meeting, chaired by Hong Kong in majuscule D. C. in late October 2001, the FATFs remit was expanded beyond money launder to focus expertise on a world- all-inclusive effort to combat terrorist financing.A wide range of special recommendations adoptive at the meeting result revoke terrorists and their supporters access to the international financial system. Re handatives of the HKSAR Government have also continued to participate, as members of delegations of the Peoples Re creation of China, in international organizations and conferences limited to states, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the International cultivated Aviation Organization and the International Tele communications Union.There are more than 130 fertilisation bilateral agreements between the HKSAR and over 50 countries throughout the world. Areas covered in these agreements include air services, visa abolition, investment promotion and protection, surrender of flying offenders, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, transfer of sentenced persons, customs co-operation, and co-operation on information technology and avoidance of double taxation. Hong Kong has also entered into no n-binding arrangements with other(a) foreign states, regions and international organizations.These arrangements are often in the form of a memorandum of understanding and cover a spectrum of topics from co-operation in information and communication technology, environmental protection to cultural exchanges. More than 200 multi-lateral treaties apply to the Hong Kong SAR (of which more than 80 do not apply to the Mainland). They cover many areas such as international crimes, private international law, customs, marine pollution, science and technology, gracious aviation, merchant shipping, intellectual property, health, investment, trade and industry, postal services, labor issues, human rights, remove and telecommunications.Hong Kong is home to a large consular corps and several important international organizations. At the end of walk 2002, there were 55 consulates worldwide in Hong Kong, 46 honorary consuls and six semi-officials missions. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the European Union, and the Bank for International Settlements, the International Monetary Fund and the International finance Corporation/World Bank all maintain a straw man in Hong Kong. Five years after 1997, One Country, Two Systems is firmly in place and Hong Kong people packning Hong Kong is part of everyday life.With the election of the principal administrator by an electoral college, a fully-elected legislature and an aggressive, unfavorable media, politics operations and policies have been subjected to increasing public scrutiny and pressure. In his constitution Address in October 2001, the Chief Executive Mr. Tung Chee Hwa outlined the governments initial thinking on ways to reform the system of responsibility for senior officials. Detailed plans to take effect from July 1, 2002 were subsequently unveiled by Mr. Tung on April 17, 2002.The new system is designed to more understandably define the roles, agents and responsibilities of top government officials. It would also build on the well-mannered services existing strengths such as permanency, professionalism, apatheticity, efficiency and freedom from corruption. Under the present government structure, courtly servants play a critical role in the governing team. Policies are formulated by Directors of Bureau (often referred to as Policy Secretaries) and endorsed by the Executive Council (ExCo).Legislation and public expenditure relating to such policy initiatives need to be scrutinized and passed by LegCo before being implemented by several(a) say-so and departments. During this process, Directors of Bureau have inevitably taken on a political role, which does not gel with the traditional role of the civil service. cultured servants are generally employed on permanent terms. The question is how to improve obligation while at the same time recognize the immensity of an impartial, permanent civil service. The new system of accountability announced by Mr.Tung aims to solve this conundrum. Under the new system, the Chief secretary for Administration, the Financial Secretary, the Secretary for Justice and Directors of Bureau go forth no longer be civil servants but ordain be appointed on contract terms. They leave behind be accountable to the Chief Executive for the success or nonstarter of matters falling at heart their portfolios. Significantly, they will all be appointed to the Executive Council to play a direct role in the process of deciding on government policies as well as collectively allocating the resources within the government as a whole.Because of this, governments work will become more streamlined and efficient. This will also provide a fail co-ordination in the formulation and implementation of policies. These new Principal Officials will assist the Chief Executive in developing and shaping policies, overseeing the implementation of policies, monitoring the deliverance of services by executive director departments and expl aining developments within their portfolios to gain public support. They will respond to LegCo questions, introduce bills and take part in LegCo motion debates.They will attend meetings of LegCo Panels, subcommittees and committees to participate in discussions on important policies. The new accountability system is consistent with the Basic Law under which Principal Officials are nominated by the Chief Executive for appointment by the cardinal Peoples Government. At the policy bureau level they will be support by Permanent Secretaries, very experienced senior civil servants, in analyzing and defending policies, steering executive departments and managing human and financial resources.Below the policy bureau level, various departments will remain responsible for implementing policies and delivering public services. With a clearer description of roles, these Principal Officials will operate at the political level while civil servants will be loyal to the government of the day and m aintain political neutrality. The merits of the new system are that the Principal Officials roles and responsibilities are transgress defined and that they will need to be more accountable to affiance the support of the legislature and the public.The new system responds to increasing public calls for a higher degree of accountability for principal officials, while maintaining the structure, role and ethos of the civil service. The civil service system will remain intact and there will continue to be a permanent, stable, meritocratic, professional and politically neutral civil service. The new group of Principal Officials will proactively gauge public opinion and strengthen communication with the public to gain a expose understanding of community needs and to devise policies fulfilling these needs.They will work more closely with the legislature, proactively seek the views of LegCo members and strengthen communication with the LegCo to ensure a better working relationship between the Executive and Legislature. The new Principal Officials will be able to focus more attention on public demands and needs, and will be able to operate free from the restrictions imposed on civil servants. Macau The development of Macao since its return to the fatherland demonstrated the strong vigour of the one country, two systems image, state Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive of Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) in a special press interview.The concept was proposed by then Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s for the reunification of China. Under the mechanism, Macao retained its capitalist systems after returning to the motherland on Dec. 20, 1999. The per capita GDP of Macao residents in 2008 reached 39,000 U. S. dollars, almost three times the medium before its return, according to World Bank figures. The cardinal government adopted a series of measures to support Macaos development.In two meetings with Edmund Ho Hau-wah in celestial latitude 2008, Pr esident Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao said the fundamental government would fully support Macao in dealing with the challenges brought near by the global financial crisis. At the end of last year, the central government launched nine measures concealment finance, infrastructure, and regional cooperation, funding Macaos small-and-medium-sized enterprises, ensuring Macaos food supply, to help Macao tide over the economic downturn and promote integration of the Pearl River Delta region, which includes Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao.Macaos water supply is at risk of salinization due to drought upriver. The central government and Macaos neighboring body politic shave adopted relief measures, including the construction of hydroelectric projects to ensure the long-run supply of drinking water to Macao. Government statistics show more than 33 million mainland tourists have visited Macao since 2004 and have generated an estimated revenue of more than 100 one thousand thousa nd patacas (12. 66 billion U. S. dollars) gambling revenue excluded.Under the support of the central government, Macaos land area has increased from 22 square kilometers before its return to about 30 square kilometers. In June, the ninth session of the Standing citizens committee of Chinas11th National Peoples Congress (NPC) passed a bill giving the Macao SAR jurisdiction over a new campus of the University of Macao on Hengqin Island, which was originally part of the southern mainland city of Zhuhai. In 2007, Macao implemented a 15-year free education system, which will run from kindergarten to senior high school. From my own experience, for the past 10 years, the central government has been strictly adhering to the principle of one country, two systems and the Basic Law of the Macao SAR. The central government has not interfered the inner affairs of the SAR, said Edmund Ho Hau Wah. afterwards its return to the motherland, Macao successfully held Ministerial Conferences of the Fo rum on Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries in2003 and 2006 and the East Asian Games in 2005.With the support of the central government, the historic center of Macao, which is home to more than 20 unique sites demonstrating the enculturation and co-existence of Chinese and Western cultures, has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Since the base of the Legislative Assembly of Macao Special Administrative Region, Macao has enjoyed complete legislative power and has enacted and amended more than 100 laws, which was quite unimaginable when it was ruled by the Portuguese, said assembly president Lau Cheok Va.An election committee, responsible for electing the chief executive of Macao SAR, is composed of representatives from a wide range of sectors including industrialists, unionists, public service workers, religious figures and politicians. Dr. Leonel Alberto Alves, a legislator and Macaense(a Portuguese expression for Macao-born Portuguese or Macao-born person of Portuguese and Chinese or of Portuguese and another Asian ethnic group), said an estimated 20,000 Macaense lived in Macao and their rights were fully safeguarded and customs respected since Macaos return to the motherland.Overall, our view remains that the concept of One Country, Two Systems is an everyday reality in Hong Kong. The rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, which are so vital to Hong Kongs success, are being upheld. Essential rights and freedoms are being protected, and challenges to them fully and freely debated. UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Mr.Jack Straw, Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong, July-December 2001, presented to the British Parliament, March 2002 Most Western analysts conclude today that the One Country, Two Systems has permitted Hong Kong to maintain its unique character. Long-term success depends on preserving the quality and integrity of Hong Kongs outstanding cadre of civil ser vants, the rule of law and an independent judiciary US Speakers Task Force on the Hong Kong Transition, Ninth Report, January 30, 2002

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