
Monday, March 11, 2019

Feminism and Social Cognitive Theories Essay

The goal in this individual assign creation indext is to apply the soci adequate cognitive hypothesis and feminist theories to contemporary media content and to comp ar and direct contrast different hypothetical perspectives. Attached to this typography there will be a print bear uponizing item totallyy chosen to analyze how and whom these theories reverberate on in new media today. After analyzing the two perspectives, the theories will be compared and contrasted, show the similarities and differences between them and their approach to the advertizing. Throughout the paper the us senesce of examples from the specialized advert chosen will conclude to the appliance and defined hurt to support the arguments that will be debated. The well-disposed learning guess furnishes a framework that allows usto analyze the humans psychological functions that produce definite behaviors (A. Bandura, 1986). The concept describes the mental surgical processes at work whenever a person learns (Bandura, 1944).The theory of socialization explains humans thought and the personal itemors that achieve learning a cognitive process to all agents much(prenominal) as, social groups, parents and siblings, teachers, schools and religious leaders, neighborhoods and media.(Eyal, 2012)According to Bandura, the theoryproves that picture and behavior are determined by three different f representors that move and imp moment each other, known as the triadic reciprocal causation, examining behavior, personal determinants and characteristics such as cognitive and biological qualities akin age, race, sex or height, and environmental positionors or events (Bandura, 1944). Banduras social cognitive theory of mass converse and the broader social learning theory serve as the foundation for volumes of explore in all areas of media cause analyze today (A. Bandura, 1986). A make of this theory presenting the process of m white-haired has been conducted by Albert Bandura during the probe of the bobo dolls by including the quadrup permit component processes attention, retention, repulse reproduction, and motivation.Later to be discussed in relevancy to the advert chosen.Proving that a person that observes other hatfuls actions and the consequences of those actions earth-closet learn from what they gain observed, telephoneed data-based learning, which then can be reenacted by the observer, known as molding (A. Bandura, 1986). According to the research done in the bobo doll studies, Banduras rule was to create a lab experiment with kindergarten children, by exposing them to different versions of movies with aggressions toward a bobo doll. Focvictimization on the children in the experimental groups, these children were aware of what they have watched and this is where the pathling process originates. Attention has been elevated. The experimental group children sat and thought by dint of the film withalpossessing the necessary components and skill , fleck perhaps sentiment of their capabilities and self-efficacy perceptions,known as motor reproduction in terms of the process.In devote to later imitate the aggressive acts, training what theyve cognitivelylearnt and seen, known as retention, rehearsing of the act in order to properly mock the material exposed. In conclusion to the observational theory, children seemed incite to model the behaviors they learnt in the film. Children who had watched the violent film were less inhibited close to performing other violent acts they had learnt in the past, and non catch up with finished with(predicate) the given film. The film therefore, had a disinhibitory load upon the children who saw it (Bandura, 1963). Disinhibitory effects disinhibit or lift previously learned knowledgeable restraints on certain behaviors (Bandura, 1963 p.73) as explained in the study Bandura conduced on the school kids and the fact they employ the furiousness seen in the film, and not violence th at has been shown to them throughout their lives. In conductition, the theory withal serves as a common denominator among many media effects and hypothesis today.It provides a framework explaining pro-social effects from mass media, social encouragement or persuasion, and contagious disease of an idea, message, or belief by way of figurative modeling (A. Bandura, 1986, p.70). The second theory that will be discussed, analyzed, compared and contrasted to my chosen advert throughout this paper will be the feminist theory. Focusing on, outlining the watchs of a variety of small feminist studies on the representation of women in popular media forms. The feminism study is part of a theoretical approach its an actual theory equal to all other theories (Hay, 2012). A few theories that will be analyzed are The dish aerial myth by Naomi Wolf, The Women Myth by Roland Barthes, and Women in films by Laura Mulvey. Wolf claims that the quality called beauty objectively and universally exi sts. The nigh effective way to combat this epidemic, Wolf argues, is to show how what we call beautiful is a cultural myth that has been framed for certain economic and political purposes.In assigning value to women in a straight hierarchy according to a culturally imposed physical standard, it is an boldness of power relations in which women must unnaturally compete for resources that men have appropriated for themselves(Wolf, N. The truelove Myth, p.1). Barthes discusses The women myth as being everywhere, relating to culture, time, and change. Its not well-nighthing were born with,its something family socially constructs (Hay, 2012). He tells us that the reckon of beauty-The rhetoric of the image (Roland Barthes) changes according to where you are, who youre with, and what environment your currently in, that can all reflect on the image. Last, Mulvey writes somewhat the male gaze, women in films.The womens appearance was created to serve male defense mechanisms against c astration, and portrays women as visual objects through the media (Hay, 2012) Mulvey argues that cinema displays the image of women as a certain look, that feminist celebrate humiliating due to the element it displays the passivity of women, and the activeness of men complying the fact women will never have lead roles or be secern as greater than men (Hay, 2012).After explaining,defining and giving examples of both theories, the advertizing chosen will be analyzed and evaluated through these theoretical perspectives. In terms of feminism, the advertchosen will constructively reassure the myths and there theoretical approaches. The advertisement I chose represents, the alcoholic drink, SKYY vodka. Thereis a tan, thin women, in a bathing suit, with a self-aggrandizing chest, lying on the sand at the beach trying to get some sun. The close up shot of her moonlit chest is likely to attract attention of men, possibly the aimed audience for this advertisement. Mulvey argues about t he look or the image the media portrays a womans theoretical appearance should be, prevalently categorized as young and skinny (Hay, 2012) which the advertisement assesses. The power through genders are used to catch the mans eye, making the man see the women as a visual object, also known as the male gaze, leading the male to become aroused, and in conclusionan intended effect of convincing the specified audience, men, to buy the product advertised. As Naomi Wolf mentions in the beauty myth the purpose of using the women as an object is for political and economic reasons.This doesnt mean that everyone will be impacted in the same way due to sub-cultures, politics, and media, but societys understanding(a) of the join on will hopefully conclude to more than or less, the same objective and conscious feeling. In addition to the womens bareness and attraction, the advertisement shows the man in a suit standing on top of the women, most likelyrepresenting ownership and power, a deman ding authority magical spell glazing down on her from above. According to Mulvey, feminists see men as active and the women as passive, intelligibly shown in the advert. The man is not only trapping the women between his legs while she lays on the floor, but heis also blocking her from the sun, the reason she most likely came to the beach to begin with. Feminist argue that women are usually presented in a submissive way. According to feminists, the media has an important role and defines the women and how women should look, act and represents the power struggle between men and women today (Hay, 2012).The theory of Laura Mulvey shows that commercial wise, advertising women is usually conducted in a sexual manner relating them to sex items, and ignoring internal characteristics by focusing on just looks(Hay, 2012). In addition to how women were portrayed in programs, feminist critics charged media owners and managers with sexism (Cantor, 1988). They supported this claim with reports showing widespread discrimination against women in broadcast industry employment practices, as seen in the advertisement presented, as the women lays beneath the man and is gazed upon from above with feeling of power. Women in advertising are usually gently touching to looking at something, making it seem that they are not in control of that object, that they arent the true owner and masters of it, just participant(Cantor, 1988). In one yield the man is holding a nursing bottle of SKYY alcohol, and in the other collapse he is firmly holding 2 cups as to which the alcohol would be put in side to drink.The differences between the positioning of the genders in the advert rightfully prove the feminist theories can be affectd to this, the masculine side of the man and his strong fists, and feminine side of the women is shown through the relaxation of her men holding her sunglasses up, lying on the floor with her pure beauty and fertility.In the past, a lot of time advertisers used women to present women were they needed rescue. intoxicant can be considered a type of escapism, and by the man showing her what he has, once again, the women comes out to be the weak one that wants to be nurtured, and in feel of need, comfort and care by the man. Just like gender role portrayals in Disney princesses and there need of being taken care of by heroes, or prince charming. This advertisement focuses on a specific audience, in particular, perhaps SKYY vodka calls for people who enjoy drinking, probably youngsters that want to let loose try new things, students, and because of the main focus of the close up of the womens breast, an educated guess would assume that the men population are most likely well finish to be the best consumers.The social cognitive theory portrays many different theoretical approaches to the specific add chosen.Banduras social cognitive theory provides a framework to explain what the medias effects are towards, violence, sexually explicit mater ial, diffusion of an idea, message, belief by way of symbolic modeling, persuasion and so forth (Bandura, 1986). Human communicating is built upon a system of shared meanings known as style that is shaped by various symbols, such as letters of the alphabet, used to construct words which serve as a symbol to represent specific objects, thought or ideas (Bandura, 1986 p.68).The word SKYY printed on the alcohol bottle doesnt just cause the brain to think of the company SKYY vodka. When utter about the sky in a metaphoric way, people relate the word to an unlimited effect, just like the quote many people use these days, the sky is the limit.The thought the drink may have towards specific audience mentioned earlier, triggers their brain to consider the non-boundary border. As seen in media today, a number of people like to go against the ordinary, and fight the status quo. perhaps now, when people see the word sky, the capacity of understanding and using this symbol allows them to st ore, process, and transform this observed familiarity into a cognitive model, which may guide them to the long term effect of buying the alcohol while thinking about the positive effects it may have and motivate them to buy this product. Advertisement in media today can be learnt from and imitate leading to positive or negative cases. Just like Banduras study with the bobo dolls, the major findings were disinhibitory effects, which concluded to children learning aggression. A disinhibitory technique, as mentioned earlier, causes a transgressor to conjure up the responsibility for wrong doing to some other.(Brock & Buss, 1962, p. 75) With diffusion of responsibility, a transgressor acts within a group and therefor doesnt feel personally responsible for the subsequent act (Bandura, 1986).As seen in the ad, the bottle of alcohol is being advertised. As most people know, one of the most well-known laws in the U.S. states that the drinking age is 21+. In this case the add is releva nt due to the fact a transgressor may influence an adolescent to consume the alcohol in this add showing him its the cool thing to do, leading him to another device, disregard of the consequences of action, in which the under 21 person,illegally performs what he is told, not thinking about the harm it big businessman cause and only thinking of the care of the moment. Bandura identified four different self-reflective modes used in thought confirmation the self-reflective capacity, meaning that a person has the ability to perform a self-check to make sure his or her thinking is correct (Bandura, 1986). One being the enactive mode this means that a person calculates the agreement between thoughts and the result of actions (Bandura, 1986).For example, this add may influence people to buy SKYY vodka, especially men, since the advertisement shows that the man is over powering the sexy woman, an act in which most men usual want to achieve. After trying the alcohol, the effect it had on the man wasnt what he thought would conclude to, assuming he would be able to mimic the character holding the alcohol bottle in the advert and is disappointed, having a destructive effect, and in this case his actions do not drift his thoughts and he must reassess his thinking. If, however the man had had the positive effects he was expecting after drinking SKYY brand alcohol, the mans actions hold up his thoughts and provide stoppage. The second mode used in the thought verification isvicarious mode this means that the observation of another persons experience and the outcomes of those experiences aid to confirm the accuracy of thoughts (Bandura, 1986).For example, a 17 year old male child that never seek alcohol might look at this advertisement and see that the man has total control over the women, the boy never thought about trying the beverage the man in the ad is holding, but due to positive assumptions, realizes he should. His thoughts about venial drinking could shock h im into some kind of reassessment. The third mode, dower as the best demonstration of an effective advertisement is persuasion (Bandura, 1986) the act in which a person is influenced or encouraged in some way to change their thought. For example a man sees the SKYY vodka advertisement and it comes off to be eye catching and convincing. Even though he might already have a specific vodka brand he uses, the admiration of the print add influences him to try new things in an alteration effect of buying the alcohol, maybe leading to a long term outcome of the continuity of buying the specific vodka, and the intended effect the company tried to portray. At last, the advertisement will be compared and contrasted according to the two theoretical perspectives.The media teaches society how to socially learn, whether its through observational and modeling, or how women should be, including all the individual differences (Hay, 2012). Whether the effect is direct or indirect, constructive or de structive, people observe others and their surroundings.One of the arguments the theories can express thesimilarities and differences in, is the effect manipulation or influence can have towards and depending on audience types. The social cognitive theory, the process of modeling shows that the advertisement can be portrayed and looked at as motivating for male audiences, catching there attention while seeing the amount of control and command the man has above the women, leading to input and motor reproduction of the customer, influencing them to similar actions.On the other hand, feminists look at the advertisement and find it discriminating how the media socially constructed the women to fit the image that Mulvey speaks about.The young-bearing(prenominal) audiences will see the degradation of the trapped women, looking up at a man, and specifically go against the consumption of that certain alcohol. Women dont see the need to advertise the alcohol in such a provocative manner a nd want to fight the status quo of using women in the media for political and economic reasons, as Naomi Wolfs theory applies. In conclusion, the social cognitive theory and feminist theories play a big role in media today. Providing a framework to academically understand where media came from in history, and how it has currently changes. Media serves as a theoretical basis that was learnt from in the past, and continues to be learnt from throughout years to come.ReferencesBryant, J., & Thompson, S. (2002). Fundamentals of media effects(Chapter 4). Boston,MA McGraw-Hill.Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture, and society An introduction(Chapter 11, pp.219-242).Los Angeles, CA Sage.Wolf, N.The Beauty Myth.Cantor, M. G. (1988). Feminism and the media.Society, 25(5), 76-81.Social Cognitive Theory and Feminist TheoriesLiatSlomowitsRaphael Recanti International School, interdisciplinary Center HertzliyaT.A. Yael HayIntroduction to communicationsliatipooaol.com

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