Monday, March 18, 2019
A Piece Of My Heart (book) :: essays research papers
The "other" Vietnam Vets     Everybody knows about the men who served in Vietnam. They have at to the lowest degree heard of the mentally trying conditions during the war and the resulting "post traumatic nidus syndrome" (PTSD) so umteen veterans suffered from, or heard of the issues concerning negative public impression of veterans for their role in a hated war. However, few are informed of the female role in the Vietnam war women, the "other" veterans, shared in all of these problems and issues along with the gun-toting men. They were the nurses, and in A Piece of My Heart by Keith Walker the stories of many women are presented to better understand just how the Vietnam War affected women. Working in places like evacuation hospitals exposed women to the long flow of casualties from the battlefield, and these experiences to a faultk major mental tolls upon the minds of the women who had to assist them, especially in their considera tions for the foster of human life. Women experienced other problems upon returning home such as the same PTSD and outlashes by anti-war protesters. Women were veterans of Vietnam just like the men, and they experienced many of the same problems as a result of their role there.     Women were exposed to an bulky amount of pain while in Vietnam. As veteran rosebush Sandecki said, "The Vietnam War really did a number on all of us, the women as well as the men" (20). Nurses in Vietnam were exposed to a round-the-clock flow of casualties from the field. The landing of a Chinook with mass casualties on be on had become a standard to Christine Schneider, a nurse in Da Nang. Practically every nurse&8217s story set forth the hospital scenes in Vietnam as "busy." Jill Mishkel explained that she experienced a minimum of at least one death per day. As Ms. Schneider depict, "There was just too much death" (46). Ms. Schneider also mentioned, "Everybody was prominent" (45) nurses only saw the bad because they were surrounded by it, day in and day out. Charlotte Miller described everything as "on a very negative basis" (324), and that she had to deport with these problems from twelve to fifteen hours per day, twelve to fifteen days in a row, a very rigorous schedule. Further emotional damage was incurred by the severity of the injuries that the nurses had to deal with. Nurses described situations such as little boys with their intestines break out, men with half their faces blown off, men missing their legs from a grenade explosion, paraplegics, quadriplegics, and in one case pulling someone&8217s tog off and having the foot come with it.
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