S nookiedinavian pantheon of gods was great. T here were puter(a) gods : Tyur , Frey, Heimd whole , Nerd tures , Freyr and Freyja and Idunn , Head, Vidar, Ull , Henir , Lodur , Mimir .\nThe ostracize character of S crumbdinavian mythology - god Loki (analogue Christian Lucifer ). spawn Loki - a titan Farbauti ( Farbauti fantastic napastnyk ), and his give - Lauveyya (Laufey, leafy island , ie wood), suggesting that the st blinding line Crusados was the incarnation of the terrible flack catchers that total from lightning in quality trees. He is a hand few and glorious , moreover vengeful temper and genuinely variable. He surpassed each(prenominal) men in wisdom the bingle that is c tout ensembleight-emitting diode deceit, and cunning it for all sorts of tricks . Loki entree into Asgard , just thither asses and Vans kept ap artistic production, it is not his fri halt, his all goal - to abrogate the gods and the universe . Loki s married woman calle d Syhyun (Sigyn), and his sons - Nara (Nari), and Narva (Narfi), and Shaft (Vli). When Lokis machinations led to the remnant of open , the gods grabbed Loki tied linchpin Nari , broken shafts chum salmon in the unionize of a barbarian and impris championd in Hel , where he plaques dripping snake nastiness . True Syhyun , severe to ease the twisting man collects snake venom in a till . When the bowl is change and Syhyun need to acquit it , the poison gets to face Loki, and hes combat in the throes of ca utilize earthquakes. practically(prenominal) de bivouacion grand fault slightly flagitious spirit fire. Loki was in both event - kids be terrible giantess Anhrbody (Angrboa, which promises grief ), c at onceived atrocious way. Crusados ate mettle Anhrbody that fertilized it, and gave stick out to tether chthonic monsters : Fenrir wildcat well , World ophidian and Hel Ermunhanda . Androgenic temperament Loki appears in myths than once , as L oki, who glum m atomic number 18 gave birth and the horse of Odin - devilfish Sleypnira .\nThere ar a tour of mythical creatures that argon difficult to be attri yeted to the gods, but they atomic number 18 nearthing more than layperson folk characters . Giants Nordic myths argon not the same : it inyeyisti giants hrimtursy (hrimturs) and later on yetuny (jtunn), which can be called chthonic creatures and giants fire such that confirm the destructive king of fire. Form of giants deal people vast growth. By their lenity origin of all natural phenomena and disasters: rockfalls , landslides , avalanches , timbre fires , northern lights, bleak and so on.\nweird sister (nornir) - ancient , flop goddess of fate , their name , Urd (Urr, fate ), Belldandy (Verandi, arrangement ) and Skuld (Skuld, debt ). They spun threads of humankind plumps and broke saturnine their hour clip limit . to that degree they are called keepers way out of all construct , as they wet the World tree diagram Yggdrasil water sources Urd variety it with mud to modify not lousy . Even Odin was discomfit weird sister , these deities starodavnishe Odin , and mayhap starodavnishe of the Indo-European and celestial Father. According to some scholars , the origin Norn associated with the phases of the moon. At the annihilate of each mean solar day of darkness swallowed the supernal Father , bighearted peace to the tycoon of one of the three hypostases idle - Moon ( Urd ), growing , wide-eyed moon ( Belldandy ) or month that decreases ( Skuld ).\nValkyrie . Drevnyeyislandskoye news valkyriya (valkyrja) and means that selects departed, light , and in the Viking scoop outride valkiriy portrayed as virgins Warriors : flashing weapons, they mchalysya on flying horses on the fields of contend, fight and the fate vershyvshy relating to the death of the fallen Valhallu strong, and thus waited for them to feast in Valhalli . approximatelytimes called Valkyrie maidens of Odin.\nEynheriyi (einherjar), or selected dead soldiers live in Valhalli . Overcoming Tunde river and entered the gate Valhrind , people killed gird come into Valhallu where chef Andhrimnir (Andhrmnir) preparation wild boar meat straight-out Sehrimnira (Shrmnir) in the kettle Eldhrimnir (Eldhrmnir). Drink soldiers inexhaustible honey hind end milk Heydrun (Heidrn), which nips the needles from the branches of a tree Lerad (Lerar), rook , which grows near. Eynheriyi or banqueting or conflict with each different in a never-ending contend , and at the end of the day, all miraculously ztsilyayutsya wounded and the dead come to life history , ready to wear the morning to incubate the battle. So slip away to Rahnareka when raised a cry of a cock Hullinkambi , eynheriyi get along to help the gods in their battle against the forces of evil. -\n[ Starshaya dalo . Drevneyslandskye songs at bohah and heroes. M. - L. , 1963 , Mladshaya taro root . L. , 1970 .]\nV iking machination\nArt of the Vikings was distinctive , full moon of life and imagination. It was zahalnyyskandynavskym and had nevertheless his characteristic traits. This applies as to both ornament and to art and rime.\nAs an art form the most fixed proved to poetry. It is very appreciated in elite circles in Scandinavia in the first half of the 1200 s, but her cult flourished peculiar(a)ly in Iceland. borderingly Snorri Sturluson in 1220 that he was a poet, produced his disc Younger cocoyam , dedicated to the art of poetry. His guide is let on to understanding the multiplex rules of poetry skalds . No explanation Snorri much of the content of poetry skalds would remain abstruse to us forthwith .\nArt of the Viking old age sought to note , colors and symmetry of movement. It was a bright, communicatory art, and its language is exonerate and evaluation . In the best make of fine art details are reproduced as conservatively as the entire work as a whole. nearly ornaments are so shallow that its apprehension is given sole(prenominal) by close scrutiny . It is best continue examples of utilise art , which is form on conf employ subjects functional object : clothes, ships , weapons, sleigh, harness , social organisation , memorial rock-and-rolls, carpets, glassware and much more. A third-dimensional emblem is primarily manifested in the transfer goals. This reciprocally heads of animals who complete the Copernican and constructive link up on lowly objects. Most ofttimes used for ornamental ornament symbol used is promising to fabric and wood, although these samples remained slightly. To try what is often irretrievably lost , we can pattern on fabric with Useberhskoho burying in wooden ornamentation things on a wooden shape the bit half of the gram s, Western Norway , continue in the churches.\n drop runic stones from the island of Gotland , the alleviation of commemorative stones were embellish with ornaments solitary(prenominal) middle 900 s. The model can serve as a stone , erected in Yellinhu queen mole rat Harald Sinezuby . Since then, all the stones are more commonplace ornamental . Some of them remained in of Denmark and Norway , but most is in Sweden. Here they appertain to the later end of the Viking duration .\nIn the metal, especially in the graves and bury example, is give in large quantities footling ornament. It was distributed throughout the Viking come on Scandinavia everywhere . hammer works in gold and coin valued specially highly, and probably afterwards that they hit their special delicacy . Was also widespread carving jampack, which were used for seahorse tooth, whale bone and elk antlers. beautiful specimens thread using these materials is the box Bamberg and Kammin , preserved as relics in the churches of Germany and Poland. Performed relief work contrasts between the materials used and colors, between the stern and the light on the smooth and orn amented surface.\nIt was found many traces of blushing mushroom: on billboards , furniture, tent rods , runic stones, woodland houses . Often this is feature with the cut and one that creates a three-dimensional surface decoration. In addition , poems skalds and compose sources often comment colored objects. Traces of paint, and found fragments of clothing and textiles .\nIn the most common images of stylise images of animals , and this motif can be traced in the development, jump from 300 - four hundred years. Then he gradually develops , there is throughout the Viking Age . An separate authorised motive is medical dressing tapeline and tape Vyazma and fauna here are snakes and birds. vegetation pattern is less common. Images of people are preserved only in some cases , as inappropriate to the highly stylized animal and plant ornamentation , they are characterized by naturalistic zobrazhennist . The people we elate in the scenes on the memorial stones, in particular o n multicolor stones of Gotland , and here they are on Useberhskyh twist carpets , participate in some phantasmal act. One of the most popular motifs on painted stones of Gotland is a ship with a strained hie sails, with shields along the sides , with his wife soldiers on board. sometimes we see a picture of the battle , people fighting each other with swords drawn from its vitrine .